R/C Military Haulers, Transports, Semi-Trailers, & Unique Builds

A small, but dedicated community that we’ve been building recently has flourished into something special.  The name is a mouthful, but the focus sets this group apart from most others like it, building on what already exists in regards to radio controlled tank communities without impeding on them, or mimicking them, but rather complimenting them like an interesting side dish that perfectly rounds out a hearty meal.  So now we have a modest concentration of specially selected members that are truly an amazing group of master craftsmen (there may come a time where there are craftswomen, but at this point in this particular group, there are not any).  With 100 members in the first 30 days, all of them active and seemingly having fun, things are looking great. This section of the site is dedicated to demonstrating their work when they would like to have it featured.

Of course, you could always join the group yourself to get a front row seat to see what it’s all about as it happens.  Just keep in mind that there is an expectation that if you join without a unique military build of your own to share, there will be peer pressure for you to build or get your own radio controlled tank transporting semi-trailer, and share it with the group (it’s not essential, but that’s the core focus of the group).

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